Version 1.2 is available

Yesterday the version 1.2 of the tool was uploaded to the Unity Asset Store!!!

Go to Download Page.

This version has the next changes:

- Editor: In unity 2018.3 and newer the WWW class is obsolete. Used the UnityWebRequest class instead.
- Editor: Fixed the scroll view of the Languages window when the amount of languages do not fit in the window.
- Editor: Fixed the search by locale in the Languages window.
- Editor: Optimized the amount of keys drawn in the CGLocalization window.

- Editor: Added busy icon for background tasks at the bottom-right of the CGLocalization window.
- Editor: Added custom icon for languages. The Language.icon field is Editor only.
- Editor: Added colors to changelog sections.
- Editor: Added the Links section to the Welcome window.

- Editor: The 'LocalizationSettings.asset' is no longer included in the package to avoid overwriting your previous settings. If no settings found in your project after package import, a new one is created at the 'Assets/Resources/CGLocalization' path.
- Editor: Moved the 'Sort Keys by Name' option from the LanguageOptions window to the main toolbar.
- Editor: Renamed the 'Release Notes' section to 'Changelog' in the Welcome window.
- Editor: Moved the FIXED changelog sections to the top of each version.
- Files Structure: Moved the 'Editor' and 'Runtime' folder to the 'CGLocalization' folder.

- SelectKetType attribute. Use the SelectKeyDropdown attribute instead.

- Files Structure: Deleted the 'Core' folder.
- Files Structure: Deleted the 'Gizmos' folder. The icons for the LocalizationAsset and LocalizationSettings classes in the Project View are assigned through code.
