Marked the SelectKeyType attribute as Obsolete

When selecting the identifier/name of a key in the Inspector and limiting the selection to a certain key type, we had to use the SelectKeyDropdown and the SelectKeyType attributes in conjunction. This way we had long lines above fields. Due to this I decided to move the SelectKeyType functionality into the SelectKeyDropdown attribute.

Now the SelectKeyDropdown accepts a KeyType in the constructor to limit the selection.


Now every LocalizedBehaviour use the SelectKeyDropdown attribute instead. If you created custom localized behaviours you must to manually update the attribute to limit the selection.

public class LocalizedUIText : LocalizedBehaviour
    // ... 

To select the identifier/name of a key in the Inspector and limit the selection to a certain key type, just pass the desired KeyType to the SelectKeyDropdown attribute.

// before
[SelectKeyDropdown, SelectKeyType(KeyType.String)]

// now

See the The SelectKeyDropdown Attribute section in the documentation.

NOTE: This update will be available in the version 1.2 of the tool.
